Tuesday 29 August 2017

CATHOLIC YOUTH……………………DON’T BE NASTY!! By Abdul Emmanuel O.

The act of being dirty, indecent, Lousy, filthy, unpleasant, repellent, offensive, spiteful, unkind, and awkward are all known to be NASTY!
It is expected and believed that a child with good moral value and good home background is not expected to be Nasty by our style of living, appearance and moral behavior, despite all challenges, frustrations and distractions all over the world, especially in our country Nigeria - insecurity, unemployment, poor education system, lack of infrastructural facilities, religious violence, but few to mention. We have allowed the western culture and civilization to take much our sense of Christianity, morals and eroded our beautiful and enriched African culture.
As Catholic Youth, do you need to be nasty through your moral ways of life and behavioral attitude in other to popular? The answer is NO! Many Youths out there have proved to be Nasty in several ways among which includes;
Immoral dressing,( crazy fashions) such as; Sagging on dirty boxers, men making hair, indecent haircut, piercing of nose, making tattoo on various part of their bodies, excessive makeup’s, rag jean and walking half nicked with dresses that exposes your pride are all these not Nasty?
Catholic Youths be wise, all these cannot tell how beautiful you are, or add to your beauty in any way, rather it would tell the world and people around you how nasty and ungodly you are. Every Man and Woman wants a Decent Lady and Man as their life partners and not the Nasty type. Remember God made all things that had value hidden; Gold Diamond etc. so should your valuable body, as they are temple of God.
Abuse of social networking and modern technology such as; facebook, whatapps, Histagram, You tube, BBM, etc. all these were designed to connect you to the world for easy networking, business opportunity, meeting people, building positive relationship, research making and many other benefits such as; to get articles on our Faith, education, health and politics etc. that would brighten our knowledge about the happenings in the world and make us current from time to time. It is so painful to see many Youths of today using all these as a means of watching puns, uploading their nude pictures, posting abuses comments, frauds etc. Many has got so addicted with phone that even during the Holy mass we just have to reply the chat, so bad. Isn’t this Nasty?  I wonder why a responsible youth would wake-up in the morning and first thing to do is to pick the phone and start chatting instead of communicating with God first, mediate about your life and activities of the day, however, commits the day into Gods hand. It is so pathetic.  
Ignorance of the Catholic Faith;  many catholic youths of today have no idea of what the faith is all about and at such cannot defend it out there. Mind you! You can’t give what you don’t have. The structure of the church has created every opportunity to be fully informed about our faith, is now left to us to tap from it. Instead of reading books and visiting site that cannot nourish your faith or do us any good, why not visit catholic website, read catholic books and attend know your faith programs, ask questions, by doing this, you would not just be catholic follower but active and practicing Catholic.  
The most worrisome one presently is the fight and agitation for legalization of “Guy Marriage” where man would marry his fellow man and woman getting married to her fellow woman. Lesbianism and homosexuality have become practices of no shame. As Catholic youths, we are to wake up and fight against all these bad practices and be good ambassadors of our Catholic faith wherever we found ourselves and always fight against homosexual practice and other abnormal sexual relationships invoke in our present day. Hence, as Catholic youths we are to say NO and SHUN all these abnormal behavior. Let’s remain Catholics and always be proud to be a Catholic and standout among the youths of the world.

Emmanuel, O Abdul Ayegba
Abeokuta Diocesan President-Catholic Youth Organisation of NIGeria (CYON).


Profsmart said...

Ride on our amiable Pressy. For God and For Youth............ Through Christ

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Awesome one my president.

Idachaba Gabriel said...

Nice writeup fire on

Idachaba Gabriel said...

Nice writeup fire on

kyrstallchi said...

Wonderful write up, my president.

Cami said...

I love this


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