Thursday 24 August 2017


Good Morning,
#Morning diet#

Guide your identity!

There will be moments when people steal your thunder, mauls your paws, and nips your nose. But you can always survive the treacheries and tragedies if you have a base to which you can return.

You must be true to your purpose, doggedly tenacious about your passion, and never lose sight of your center. If you lose your center and forgo your identity, then you're done and finished.

If you lose your sense of who you are, you have nothing to which you can return. If you don't  discover your passions, purposes, and power, then you will pursue the roles assigned by other people's scripts.

You will lose the success afforded by new opportunities if you don't know your own priorities and preferences.

Your strength is in your uniqueness. If you lose yourself just to get along with others, then you have nothing original to offer your generation.

Stay true to yourself while you integrate what you have into where you are.

At the Top Destiny awaits you!



Good Morning, #Morning diet# Guide your identity! There will be moments when people steal your thunder, mauls your paws, and nips y...