Thursday 24 August 2017



""_if it is to be ,it is up to me""

The above ten two-letter words are absolutely valid. The solution is to do it now

One reason people do not develop and use their TALENT(s) is denial. Many people find it comfortable to deny talent. After all, if they deny their talents,the perhaps they can persuade others that they really don't have anything to offer.

A second reason people don't use their talent is procrastination. They are going to use them in the nonexistent future on someday isle (someday I'll), which is a nonexistent island. Tomorrow is the greatest labor saving device ever brought to light.

I believe fear (which us faith in reverse) is a third reason for not using our talents. Many people don't understand that failure is an event nota person, so they decided to "" play it safe""and not to do anything at all

The fourth reason people do not use their talents is irresponsibility. They find it more comfortable to blame other things and other people for their failures.

Romans 11:29 "" _for the gift and calling of God are without repentance_

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